Он не может устроиться водителем автобуса
Name: Daniel Vadim O'Brien
Year of birth: November 1975
Born; Welwyn, United Kingdom
Nationalities / backgrounds: British, Russian (mother), Australian (father)
Principal passport: British citizen
Ostensible profession / cover: Maths teacher (hopeless)
Affiliations: SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation)
ergo proditor
Agency quality (see this link): rounded mean 3/10. An incompetent, compromised, unreliable, arrogant, intellectually mediocre, disloyal and mostly useless agent except as cannon fodder
Principal skill: deceit; takes in a lot of people
Sexual proclivities: public genital exposure, particularly in high risk situations
Spouse: Lucy, British citizen, apparently knowledgeable of and loyal to his behaviour: ergo also a traitor. Two minor children, unnamed due to respect for the the objection to the principle of family / collective responsibility

Lucy O'Brien (nee Meacher, a well-known family of British socialists), British citizen, of Dubai, Head of Fleishman Europe's office in Dubai (nothing to do with the PR firm Fleishman United States).
L. O'Brien (nee Meacher) is not physically dangerous to knowledge but attracts high scores in manipulation and deceit. As a PR manager, she has had clients believed to work for the SVR and/or FSB (which one is not clear) but it is asserted she has been distributing Russian government propaganda masquerading as public relations material over a period of several years at the least.
Agency level (L. O'Brien nee Meacher): 9/10. Extremely capable and useful propaganda tool on behalf of the government of the Russian Federation, and well remunerated by them for her services. She is the brains of the operation - and thrice the traitor for that.
ergo proditor
Danger level (D O'Brien): not physically dangerous to adults; nevertheless potentially highly harmful due to unbounded capacities for persuasive deceit and 'working people' to reveal their confidences
Anticipated ultimate destination: St Petersburg, Russian Federation (mother)
For more information about this subject, please contact thepaladins2021@gmail.com explaining who you are and why you want information about this matter.
