In 31 months (two years and seven months) the Paladins Organisation have published 255 articles on international relations with a mean length of 2000 words. Here they are; this exercise began in April 2020 (earlier articles are available here) and continues to the present day:
That is 510,000 words; or 16,400 words per month.
By contrast War and Peace , commonly regarded as the greatest very long novel ever written, is 587,287 words. The most common estimate is that it took its author Tolstoy six years to complete it. Of course he did not have the benefit of word processors or smartphones.
We want to emphasise that all of the articles published on the Paladins website, with a handful of exceptions (perhaps a score - do not ask us which because we will not reply) were written in the authors' professional spare time.
We hope that the Paladins Organisation has made a valuable contribution to the literature on international relations in the essays we have published to date. We hope to continue being able to contribute in a similarly constructive way in the future.
We are considering publishing these essays in a series of printed volumes, and we will keep the reader updated with the progress of any such project at this webpage.