Every year in every country there is a season in which the higher authorities permit the hunting of small and larger rodents and other countries' things with an intention to pursue the greater good of vermin control.
However any such season is not intended for prevention of farmers from making a living - within reasonable limits,. There will be gradual farming reform, but it is anticipated and expected that the process of farming reform from post-comminost traditions to modern scientific farming methods will be undertaken in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, no matter what their prior farming practices.
Farming reform will actually benefit all. We at The PALADINS Organisation, in cooperation with our international partners, seek smooth harmony in all the region's interests, and our strategic partners seek quite the same thing. The Organization therefore now declares hunting season strictly OVER, in consultation and agreement with our strategic partners, and we wish all men and women to go in peace.
The PALADINS Organisation
We are here to serve.