We've always liked the Intercontinental Chain. with its rooms with views and terraces and gardens and Olympic standard swimming pools other things like that. In particular, we like their franchises on broad boulevards with red spaces at the end, where you look up at birds and that's the last thing you see at night. Those hotels pre-order your medicines and doctors so you don't need to visit the central clinical hospital, and that's why they have special telephone numbers for each room with direct dial facilities to reception and for urgent medical problems.
Another favourite hotel chain is Hilton, with its fine managers in pressed white suits and white shoes and other white items ion their clothing in white cities. That's why, watching the television can be such fun in these sorts of Hilton Chain, twenty-four hours a day.
Frankly, given a choice, I prefer Intercontinental Hilton, due to its superior management who don't like people white uniforms and aren't particularly impressed with television, 24 hours or otherwise, particularly when the people watching the television are not old current friends.
Hilton hotels aren't unusual at all. They're too small. The Intercontinental even has a swimming pool indoors with red comfy chairs, and the Hilton doesn't have anything like that at all. All it has is its 24-hour televisions and its delicious turkeys in sauce, and the thing with televisions is that you can turn them off if you know the manager. Some of the turkeys are stuffed for Christmas and others are committed to homes for unwell animals, but who knows. We don't know anything about that, or maybe we do.
I like stuffing turkeys for Christmas. How about you?