In the last few days this author has found 55 documents or images on his Google Drive account that he did not place there and that are each in some way apparently compromising of him. Some of them are genuine documents or images; some are fakes; some we cannot tell (we have run them by various experts in digital manipulation). All the evidence suggests that they were harvested by the Kuwaiti Directorate of State Security, a part of the Kuwaiti Ministry of the Interior and hacked into the relevant Google Drive account as part of the KSS's unlawful international attempts at intimidation / extortion of one or more foreign citizens.
In its activities abroad, the KSS focuses on the espionage on those regional neighbors that could pose a potential threat, namely Iran and Iraq. On the domestic front, the agency is tasked with counterespionage and, mainly, with the monitoring of immigrant communities. Its stations are located across the country, including at borders and airports. The Investigations Department of the KSS works alongside the police in security controls.
Here is a list of the 55 documents / images:
A passport copy of an Eastern European citizen in a sensitive country (which document this author had never seen).
An image of a hippopotamus, referring to a former sexual partner of the author (it was their WhatsApp image).
An application to a Swiss authority for an excerpt from their criminal records file. (Never on the applicant's computer.)
A set of law firm internal accounts for a two-year period starting over ten years ago. (Unknown whether genuine.) Predate the Google Drive account.
A senior UN position job application made via the UN's external jobs e-portal. (No Google Drive interaction in the making of such an application.)
A call log from a number unknown to the apparent UK number 07946 660592. (Impossible to tell whether genuine or a fake.)
A letter to the Chinese Ambassador to Geneva - in Mandarin. (No Google account interaction.)
A document entitled 'Thibault Fresquet fake reference letter' and signed only with a JPEG signature. (Probably fake, given that the title of the document includes the word 'fake'.)
What appears to be a piece of inter parties legal correspondence with someone called 'Xiaodong'. Impossible to say whether geunine. No date, notepaper or context.
University of Cambridge Visiting Scholars Application Form (blank - no details completed).
A blank cream foolscap piece of paper with 'contact me / requires writing' printed in the top left hand corner but nothing else. (Never seen before.)
Psychiatrist's certificate that a patient had been seeing him regularly. (Document only ever dealt with in hard copy.)
73-page report of an independent panel into allegations of misconduct in the management of UNAIDS, a UN specialist agency.
Letter from the Masonry Universal Lodge in Geneva to a person unidentified. (Note: this author, being a Roman Catholic, cannot be a Freemason as it is forbidden by Roman Catholic doctrine.)
A document asking someone to 'please wait' while a document called 'requete en conciliation' (Swiss legal French for 'request for mediation') is downloaded; no case details are revealed. (Total mystery.)
A document entitled 'accounfs system' which appears to document certain expenses flying between Belgrade and Moscow in the latter part of 2007. (Not clear who the payment beneficiary or the payor is but could from the formatting be the UN or a UN agency.) (Far pre-dates the Google Drive.)
Serbian travel insurance confirmation document (obviously fake; contains a national identity card number for a person who is not a Serbian citizen) (Document never seen before.)
An article about corruption in the European Commission and the 2017 crisis in Catalonia.
A white blank A4 document entitled 'bb' and with '1/1' printed in the top right hand corner.
A draft affidavit apparently for the Cypriot courts in the name of a Russian gentleman called Vitaliy Smagin apparently suing some 10 defendants. (The document is neither signed by anyone nor does it bear a court stamp.) (This document may date from as far back as 2008; it was not a matter this author worked on.)
The curriculum vitae of a Russian legal assistant.
An internal page of a French language legal document the parties to which are not identified and the purpose of which is unclear.
A photoshopped black-and-white photo in a provocative pose of a lady called Antonija Palic from Zagreb.
A report by 'Wikistrat' entitled 'The Impact of COVID on the MENA Region'. (Never seen before.)
A copy of the photo page of this author's passport.
An extended CV of this author.
The first page only, with a court stamp, of a Geneva indictment.
A photograph of this author with his two young children on vacation in the summer of 2022.
An image from the App 'Windy' (a weather application for mobile phones) apparently focused upon the Ukrainian city of Kherson (currently under Russian occupation).
Photograph of a Ukrainian citizen currently enjoying refugee status in Switzerland on a beach in Menorca in October 2014 (Photoshop forensic assessment has been made and concluded total forgery improbable although a digital technique may have been used to make her look thinner). (This author cannot have taken the photo as he has never been to Menorca.)
Flight tickets with TAROM (the Romanian airline) between Belgrade and Chisinau.
Photograph of a woman's hand with light purple manicure in front of an unascertained set of Eastern European communist era residential apartment blocks.
Letter in German from a Swiss debt collection office purporting to freeze the sum of CHF100,000.
Swiss laboratory blood test report in respect of this author's elder minor daughter. (Addressed to the other parent; never seen by this author.)
Application form to join the Ukrainian armed forces. (!)
Letter to Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus (in English).
Curriculum vitae of a lady called Natalia Hurko (not clear who she is).
Letter to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Portsmouth.
Form provided by English solicitors under cover of privilege to their client in respect of the sale of a residential property in England in respect of which the client has/had a legal interest.
Map of central Basrah (Iraq). (This author has never been to Basrah and has never considered going there so this map was of unknown provenance.)
An academic proposal entitled 'The Geopolitics of Pandemic Disease'.
Client care letter (privileged) from English solicitors to British citizen regarding sale of property.
Stub article about fugitive Malaysian financier Joh Low visiting Kuwait despite INTERPOL notices etc. (This author knows nothing of this matter and has never seen the Stub article before.)
Letter in Russian to the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic.
Apparently confidential and secret Ukrainian government documents about the progress of the war in Ukraine. (Such documents would never be stored on Google Drive.)
Two sets of notes for a British MP about an affair of state. Secret (never to have been stored on Google Drive).
Two sets of Belavia (Belarussian national airlines) ticketing documents between Belgrade and Minsk.
134-page decision of the First Tier Immigration Tribunal in England on the successful asylum appeal of a Kuwaiti person.
A pale blue A4 page entitled 'M4' that refers to a scandal in the University of Geneva. (Never seen before.)
Terms and conditions for employment of certain persons by the University of Cambridge.
Various advertising materials for a property in a village in England called Broad Marston.
The first pages of various Geneva court documents.
An IKEA Geneva home shopping order.
A letter to Sheikh Ahmed Al-Sabah, the well-known member of the Kuwiati Royal Family currently believed to be under FBI / US Department of Justice investigation.

The evidence that points towards this being the work of the Kuwaiti Security Service is the following:
It was not just the Kuwaitis who were involved in this, even though they were the prime movers.
We can infer the Kuwaitis were the prime movers by reason of their target, a person with huge internal and sensitive knowledge of the affairs of the Kuwaiti Royal Family.
We can infer the involvement of other intelligence services from context.
Serbia, Switzerland and Belarus intelligence authorities appear to have been involved, from the nature of the documents.
UN documents may have been stolen.
All thefts of sensitive or confidential documents are serious, and amount to significant crimes involving the misuse of electronic equipment and the interception of electronic information in virtually all jurisdictions. An intelligence agency may or may not have domestic immunity under its national laws of operation; but that does not exempt it from the application of relevant foreign criminal laws from which it is not exempt and neither are its officials.
The theft of privileged English solicitors' materials is undoubtedly the most serious and entails criminal liability involving several years' imprisonment as typical punishments.
Also serious is the theft of the medical records of a person under 18 in Switzerland.
Some of these documents' theft may have resulted in damage to Ukraine, a key NATO and western ally in her current conflict with Russia.
Other documents may have compromised extremely sensitive lines of East-West diplomacy.
Some documents, were it not clear (as it is) that their disclosure was not ordered by the Serbian President or anyone close to him, might call into doubt Serbia's professed neutrality in the invasion of Ukraine which would be wrong.
The PALADINS. We exist to serve in hunting out corruption malfeasance and wrongdoing in the work of international Intelligence agencies that have gone awry, such as those of Kuwait.