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  • Writer's pictureThe Paladins

Client engagements

We at the PALADINS Organisation would like to set out some of the principles for routine client engagements not regulated by a regulatory Authority. These are important principles that from time to time govern our work.

  1. We will set out clearly our scope of work in letters or other documents confirming our instructions or in invoices having the same effect, which clients will be deemed to accept in the absence of objections.

  2. We typically invoice in USD but our invoices provide for UK bank account details for payment. We always receive invoice payments into banks in the United Kingdom.

  3. Our terms and conditions are those stated at including the hourly rates up to and including the rate stated at that page for all personnel. Hence for example for a two-person team such as Dr Parish and partner the applicable maximum hourly rate for each person is as per that webpage.

  4. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the engagement shall be resolved exclusively by the English courts.

  5. All engagements shall be undertaken in close coordination with appropriate organisations and institutions that will be engaged in comprehensive plans of client oversight.

  6. We reserve the right to charge for expenditures or other disbursements at cost.

  7. From time to time we may recommend PERSONNEL policy and equipment changes of a legitimate nature and we kindly ASK our clients to comply with those changes voluntarily and PROMPTLY in order that excessive additional client work can be avoided.

  8. In all cases we ask that our personnel receive accommodation with adequate PLUMBING to save ADDITIONAL INCONVENIENCE and EXPENDITURE.

  9. We prefer to work UNINTERRUPTED by client personnel unnecessarily supervising our work in peculiar and intrusive ways (for example, by following our personnel on or off site without our prior permission).

  10. Please do not poison your lawyers or break into their residential or other premises. We consider this type of behaviour a COMMITTEE matter.

  11. UNRESTRICTED use of IT facilities is necessary to avoid ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES or even MANAGERIAL INCONVENIENCE.

  12. We very much object to SPAM email with UNUSUAL ATTACHMENTS which may be the result of MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT that we may need to CORRECT.

  13. In particular, correspondence immitating FOREIGN GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL will be reported to the Police and are being constantly monitored.

  14. We ask all on-site and off-site client personnel to comply PROMPTLY and POLITELY and in good faith with all client requests we may make and to RECHARGE disbursements AT COST and not with UNUSUAL UPLIFTS.

  15. All invoices are payable ON PRESENTATION to avoid ADDITIONAL LATE PAYMENT FEES.

  16. All client mandates last INDEFINITELY except where the client VOLUNTARILY TERMINATES them personally or until we are satisfied that we have completed our MANDATE.

Please feel free to email us at with your full name, email address, telephone number and all formal and informal positions held, together with a full list of your assets and revenues and your tax status, if you have any questions about your company, experience and/or finances, which questions will always be treated in STRICTEST CONFIDENCE and we will confirm RECEIPT.

Thank you for your confidence in the professional services of the PALADINS Organisation.


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